Friday, October 5, 2007

Stomach Flu!

din manged to blog these few days... been very busy working n working... else will be on mc staying at home zzz n surfing net...

its definitely a very bad feeling to be suffering from stomach flu... whole day wanna go toilet, stomach pain n wanna vomits... not muchie appetite to eat at times... once started eating, u become very hungry... this cannot eat tat cannot eat, my fav food all cannot touch... after eating stomach starts to feel pain n hurts again... the med damn yucky! very very yucky! dunno how to describe it... have not even eat my med already wanna vomit riaos... :(

pls let me recover faster ok... really dislike the med... very bitter... :(


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to "u-know-who"! :D
p/s: birthday is not on 02 oct 07, its my post came late... :p

Saturday, September 29, 2007

何韵诗 - 木纹 (cantonese)

如果 一手锯开枯树 木不会发现痛
不过 日日浇水的我 觉得被挖空
如果 必须结束关系 难扮成从未栽种
让我 数着年轮 这些年轮 我的心会痛
在信中 圈圈紧扣 情感多深厚前因 非因 错种

分开简单 抹去往事极难
几多温馨 烛光晚餐
难以用 斧头一劈 叫画面飞散
伴侣没了 记忆会为患
倚星细语 抱月夜谈
历历在目 录下年监
来年树倒 身影孤 烟花散
年轮未可推翻 化不淡

缘悭 但是人非草木 并不会太易惯
刻个 木造的心给我 痛苦未会减
情愿 旧事连根一拔 忘灭如燃尽的炭
但我 数着年轮 几圈年轮 已经湿了眼

就怕翻风的一晚 回首贪一眼

分开简单 抹去往事极难
几多温馨 烛光晚餐
难以用 斧头一劈 叫画面飞散
伴侣没了 记忆会为患
倚星细语 抱月夜谈
历历在目 录下年监
来年树倒 身影孤 烟花散
年轮未可推翻 化不淡

就怕新婚的一晚 临终贪一眼

分开简单 抹去往事极难
几多温馨 烛光晚餐
难以用 斧头一劈 叫画面飞散
伴侣没了 记忆会为患
倚星细语 抱月夜谈历历在目 录下年监
来年树倒 身影孤 烟花散
年轮未可推翻 化不淡

my fav song at the moment... keep repeating this song in my player... its a very nice song... very sad... the lyrics quite nice... guess this song bring back some memories to many pple...
my fav verse of this song song: 分开简单 抹去往事极难 ... it just simply means its easy to breakup... but very difficult to forget the past... guess, the past is hard to be forgotten... no matter how hard u try to forget certain things, it just stays in ya mind... all the more u force urself to forget, u just remember it more clearly everytime... :(

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


this is from raffles the plaza! my fav champagne truffles!

delicious~ *lickz*

telling us the history of mooncake festival...
traditional type of baked mooncakes from raffles the plaza...

taste ordinary...

from bakery's cottage! some flavours r not bad...

sharing some pics of my mooncakes... :p

thanks to guo er who done the pics soo nicely for me... :)

share the mooncakes with u ok... :D


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

today is mid autumn festival, or zhong qiu jie in chinese... this is the time where family will take the opportunity to have dinner, mooncakes 2gether and shang yue... haha... soo romantic rite? rite now me already backie at home, just finished my dinner and waiting to eat my mooncakes!

my grabs for today... kia hiang d24 mooncakes at $25! consists of 9 mini snowskins... since its at $25 nia, worth a buy rahs... usual price tink its $42! no way will me buy at tat price cos goodwoodpark will definitely be a more worthy choice... :D next is buying from harbourcity, their walnut tarts, with macademia nuts... 12 mini tarts at @29.70 after a 10% discount from UOB card... had a hard way getting my mooncakes today cos the atm could not dispense cash out... and forgot to bring my credit cards out... :(

its a normal working day today, but some HK colleagus went on leave today and tmr is their holiday as well... morning sent a mail to catherine no reply from her, so guessed tat she is on leave... next, remember to send to eric n rebecca... eric was soo farnie to say tat he will shang yue from his office n accompany us... tats definitely sad cos can u imagine working till past midnite today just to get things done? esp on a day where u get to be with ya family n frenz... barry also very farnie to make fun of alicia n me... he is heading to vivocity sky garden... haha...

bet tat alicia still working in office... kinda sorrie to dump her alone in office today... but me promise to be in office tmr morning to accompany her... :)

hey guys, enjoy ya mooncakes n shang yue ok! feels like playing lantern! :D


Sunday, September 23, 2007

23rd Sep :(

how me wish can mark out this day in the calendar...
or this day never exist... just hate this day to the core...
haunting me for 4 years, making me miserable on this day... and ya, guilty too...
if we had choose to stay, perhaps things would be better...
if u had choose to wait for me...
everything is IF!
heard tat u had found someone... heard tat u r starting ya own family...
my best wishes to u...
wishing u happiness...
it just does not belong to me...

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Found a new Skin!

thanks to dean for sharing the blogskin webbie...
found 1 new skin tat me kinda like it...
but a bit too dark... haha... but then all is html language! will faintz...
tmr then try out ba...

Mooncakes OOS! :(

its very sad!!!

purposely went lunchie early 2day so tat we can drop by change alley or raffles exchange to buy mooncakes... totally disappointed when we could not get raffles the plaza mini snowskins and goodwoodpark d24... :( business were very good for raffles the plaza tat they even wrote a notice out mentioning tat all snowskins r sold out n they will not be producing it anymore this year... haiz... at least tmr still have a slight chance of getting gwp's d24... PLS! however did managed to get mum's all time favourite mooncake... lucky me~ else mum will nag at me for delaying soo long to buy her mooncakes... haha... :p

got chance will post pics of my mooncakes... this year was quite late liaoz thus could not get my fav at all... looking forward to next year and me shall not hesitate to buy my fav!

thanks to the various bankers tat have bought us mooncakes for the team, esp those tat bought from raffles the plaza... arigatou~


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lunchie at Asian Kitchen!

Carlene came down from school today to have lunchie with us... to have a small catch up with us... she had a new haircut n none of us could recognise her... her hair was short! yeahz, short... she used to have long stright hair and wonder how could she bear to cut her hair short... for me, definitely no no... simply love my long hair though its messy lahz! haha... just tat long hair nicer mahz... imagine myself in short hair, maybe become tomboy liaoz... :(

Lunch at Asian Kitchen was so so only... Overrated food at overrated price ba... however, mine was quite ok... had pork chop fried rice... tasted a bit salty but the rice were kinda nice despite the saltiness... the pork chop was nice cos the meat was tender! the rest had other stuff... the worse gotta be alicia beef fried rice... which she said taste yuckyz! she ate a few mouth only but finished up her beef...

Pics will be posted later on! Stayed tuned for it... :D


Tuesday, September 18, 2007


arghz! very hungry now... got nothing to eat... also dun feel like going downstairs to buy food... :( feel like eating mac... shall me just walked down to get my fav chicken foldover or mc spicy? but... very lazy n sleepy now... maybe shall just head to sleep ba... Zzzzz~

Delicious Ramen~

Marutama Ramen~

Charsiew (but fatty lahz!)

a picture speaks a thousand words... sorrie if the quality not good ah... taken by my n73! haha...

went to tried out a jap restaurant as per recommended by weisheng... cos he knows i am a ramen lover... its a very authentic jap restaurant cos of its design n layout... even the staff speaks japanese... and their english sounds a bit farnie... the restaurant is quite small but spacious and comfy... gives me a homely feel and a bit of like "in japan" feeling... haha...

tried out their marutama ramen... when u see it, its very ordinary, nothing special abt this ramen at all... but once u taste the soup... its very delicious... the noodles were nice too... in fact the noodles have the taste of the soup... and its smooth... a bowl of marutama ramen cost $12... a small bowl but nice... its rather expensive though...

the next recommended dish by weisheng was their charsiew... it cost $6 per plate which only have 4 slices... arghz! how me wish they have a few more slices of charsiew... its really yummy... but however, those tat r conscience of their weight should avoid this dish... a lot of fatty meat! lolz... a bit salty but overall nice...

shall post up the pics later 2nite... will come back to marutama ramen again definitely... *lickz*

just in case u guys r wondering where is this place... its located at Clarke Quay Central Mall, level 3... unit number cannot remember liaoz... but definitely u guys wun miss out on this restaurant... :)


Monday, September 17, 2007

Pics from Sat Mahjong!

happie 10th session anniversary~

lego gotten us a cake, with complimentary from endless n ripper... xie xie ni men... :D
and tats us in the pic! lolz... me still tink tat endless looks soo coolz inside this pic... soo envious!

Mahjong on Saturday!


okiez, without saying anything at all, with tat arghz... butties all can guess tat me din win... :(
morning reported back to office n work, dean was jokingly saying tat me will lose... okiez, din wanna be soo pantang... however, bad things come true... but then... kinda enjoyed playing... for just a round... me lacked the skills to win... and definitely running out of beginner's luck... but gambling is alwaz like tat... u will either win or lose... win at times lose on other time... guess wat, am actually looking forward to the next time to play! however, me at a disadvantage cos me totally still din catch the rules of playing, the skills... not supposed to ask any questions when the other players r playing for fear of sabotaging them... and after on later when me wanna ask, me totally forgotten my questions! :( perhaps like wat mr jiatzua told me, is to get some experts to sit by my side watch me play n coach me along the way... any volunteers ? :p

oh ya, not forgetting to thank legolust for making the effort to buy a cake! post the pics taken later on when me free... haha... and me just realised it yesterday tat stupid firefox blocks blogspot at my home pc! how to blog when me at home? ZZzzzZ...

Better Luck Next Time, Sugar~

Friday, September 14, 2007

Unlucky Day!

its definitely my unlucky day today... or would me say this week... too muchie of a coincidence riaos...

its raining 2day... could not go amoy for lunchie... tat already disappoint me... cos yesterday cailing said friday then go amoy, so yesterday we went mei xiang lou for lunchie... well, its raining definitely cannot go amoy wat to do rites... so purposely waited till 1pm then head over to arcade there for lunchie... cailing decided for prawn mee, which me also agreed despite the fact tat on mon we just had prawn mee... and had an unpleasant experience there... this lady, she banged right into me... can see tat she was in a hurry... after banging into me, my soup will spilt out to my hand, ok, not really scalded... but me would apprecaite if she could offer her apologies... however, she DIN! perhaps she din even realise the fact tat she banged into some1... was a bit upset, but din spoilt my lunchie cos prawn mee was real nice...

and wat happened today! there were still lunch crowds despite reaching a 1.15pm... could not find a seat lor... then there were these 2 ladies at the table tat took up 3 seats... their bags n themselves... saw tat they were finishing... so asked cailing to q for food 1st as me was really famished riaos... waited n waited for them to vacate the seats... to my disgust, they sat there chatting... seeing tat its near cailing's turn, me called her purposely said loudly tat they just simply refuse to vacate the place... ugly singaporeans tat r soo inconsiderate... the lady just i front of my heard it... after which she told her fren "lets go"... she did turn back n looked at me, which me looked back at her n said thank you... a bit fakie rites... haha... well, i have manners ok... :p me got the noodles from cailing with care, see clearly no1 blocking me etc... haha... scare the soup spill out again... after all was done, was relieved n tot can eat riaos... just as we barely started eating, the lady sitting opp us (sharing table), she returned back to her seat n banged into the table quite hard... my soup was spilt onto the table... me quickly clean the table but was too late... my pants were stained n wet by the soup... the lady oddered her apologies n asked me if me ok or not... its not, madam... :( the soup was hot... scalded me this time riaos... :( and to make things worse, my n73 also kena-ed... :( heartpain... 2 different days in the same week, same lunch place, almost the same thing happened... :( perhaps should avoid tat place for the meantime ba...

Sugar ish outta luck! :( All my good luck, pls faster come back okiez... its affecting me... and my work...


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Indonesia Earthquakes!

it started yesterday... ard evening time 7plus...
first started with a sms from lance... got tremor... he din feel it at all... haha...
then came many sms-es... from alicia, cailing n max... all telling me tat one raffles quay was evacuated as its shaking real bad... the tremor was strong... so all went back even though many trades were not executed yet... guess we will be getting the whacking today not leaving behind many trades... :p

this morning at ard 7plus as well, there was another round of earthquake in indonesia... tat time me were still at home so din feel anything at all... according to alicia, she was in office alone! she felt the tremor n she said its strong... she felt giddy after tat... the moemnt me reached office n abt to start work, started to feel giddy as well... the other time also felt the same thing... like we are sitting in a boat... very unstable feeling lor... of cos we believe our office building is safe, wun really collapse... but cos we r really quite high floor n the sea is just next to us... we felt the feeling of yun zhuan... not a nice feeling lehz...

hope tat all this ends soon... are we able to live safely in a place tat is very safe, free from natural disaster? *praying for everyone*


Morning Walk~

wat a surprise tat i can manage to wake up early this morning to go for morning walk with elaine... wanna jog n run instead of just walking... but my body just too tired to run... :p

EXCUSES!!! haha... as usual... tats me rahs... *paiseh*

later wanna go to citibank to get my clearcard or not? haiz... still thinking... dunno y me got soo many cards which me dun even wanna use... collecting it for the sake of collecting it? me aint any card collector as well mahz... cailing said the card looks nice n got tie ups as well... said might as well get it... meaning lunchie gotta go china square to eat! outside weather soo hot lazy to walk sia... *thinking of my lunchie now* LingEr is hungry now... hungry baby~


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bored & free in office now...

wondering wats wrong with the network n server...
its very very slow... cannot even post any transactions...
spending the time surfing net... might as well just server down the whole day n everyone gets to knock off early for the day! :D
pls no last min information tat the server will be upz ok! will curse n swear at u guys! then will be rushing again...

wat can me start doing now rehs ? super sianz in office... surf net also laggy... haiz...

better start thinking wat to do after work ba... haha... :p


Monday, September 10, 2007

Virgin Post~ :D

a new blog... a new appearance... a new starting...

dunno y but everytime start blogging... wun last... perhaps just wun have the stamina to keep on writing ranting inside here... my blog, me own private space... where me really can heck care abt everything n just shout n scream inside here... which is in real life, i hardly do such a thing... just bear with me for a while... the rantings n sadness... haha... but definitely will also include happie moments tat me enjoyed with my butties... :)

lappie batt running low... dun tink will last long for me to continue writing... shall continue updates maybe... tmr?! :p
